We get down to business in Episode 2 and take a deeper look at EOS – the so-called ‘blockchain operating system.’ Along the way we discuss a bucket of news, the Dynotrader tool, the Kexcoin ICO and even get the latest from China from our intrepid FOMO Show reporter, Jordan Cronje. We also do our first Blockchain Basics segment, looking at the Blockchain and Bitcoin. For those of you who are new to the space, or want a way to explain the basics to your friends, we hope you’ll find this useful.

So sit back, relax and enjoy!

***Note for those familiar with Crypto – you may want to skip the Blockchain Basics segment. We’ve put timestamps in the show notes if you do wish to skip ahead.***


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Show Segments:

00:24     Intro

01:14     Retractions and Apologies

02:58     News: Russian News

04:07     News: Whopper Coins

06:16     News: India Considers Fiat Based Crypto

06:33     Explanation of Fiat Money

10:19     News: Warning to China by US for USD

11:04     News: Venezuala Detaches Themselves from Oil Basket USD

11:56     News: Rumours of Blockchain Blackout in China

15:00     Tool: Dino Trader

18:48     Report from FOMO Chinese Correspondent: Jordan Kronje

22:59     ICO: Kexcoin

34:03     Blockchain Basics: Bitcoin and Blockchain

40:19     BB: Blockchain – A practical example

42:30     BB: Bitcoin Fundamentals

45:31     BB: Bitcoin Negatives

51:28     BB: Next Time – Etheruem and Smart Contracts

52:17     EOS: The Blockchain Operating System

53:47     EOS: Bitshares and Steemit

56:35     EOS: What will it do?

59:17     EOS Token(s)

61:53     EOS: FOMOcoin!

63:09     EOS: Hosting the Network

64:24     EOS: Governance

65:55     EOS: Using Native Tokens

70:30     EOS: Constitution

73:14     EOS: Practical Application

75:38     EOS: Token Sale

78:17     Wrap-Up

79:50     Outtakes