This episode we discuss one of the most monumental pieces of legislation to be passed by a Western government in recent history. Australia’s Assistance and Access Bill was recently pushed through Parliament and has implications for almost anyone using the internet worldwide. We discuss what the bill says, what it allows government agencies to do and what effect it will have on both businesses and users of the internet.

As usual, we highlight and chat about a smattering of news, including rumours of a Facebook cryptocurrency (Facecoin?), record levels of worldwide debt and a mutual fund which is using blockchain technology to settle transfers. We also discuss an easy way to see if your data has been breached, and a listener recommendation for a thought-provoking TV show.


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Time Stamps:

00:00 Basil Fawlty Opens the Show

01:11 Intro

02:12 What We’ve Been Up To

05:00 #notinvestmentadvice

05:29 News

05:41 News: Debt Hits $184 Trillion Globally

08:58 News: Computers could soon run with no heat generated

13:31 News: Good Money Bank Secures 30m Funding Round

17:45 News: Calastone to adopt Blockchain Technology

20:39 News: FaceCoin?

29:34 News: BitPay CEO – Blockchain Adoption “3-5 years away”

34:57 Listener Recommendations

36:46 Feature: Australian Anti-Encryption Bill

67:17 Privacy and Security: Have I been Pwned?

70:58 Wrap Up

72:28 Outtakes

NOTE: Nothing, either in these show notes or in any FOMO Show podcast, written or verbal, express or implied, should be construed as financial, legal, tax or any other type of advice. Always perform your due diligence, research projects thoroughly and make sure you hold your private keys securely. Before investing in any project, always seek independent financial and legal advice. And remember – No FOMO.