With everyone back in the same location, we get back in the studio to discuss our next topic in our Blockchain Basics series – Ethereum and Smart contracts. We also touch on a bunch of interesting news – including the Russian CrypoRuble – and take a look at the Decentraland Project, OnChainFX and PIVX’s new Zerocoin protocol along the way.

As an added bonus, our intrepid reporter Jordan Cronje phones in from Zimbabwe, where he’s heard rumours that President Mugabe may be looking to create their own state-issued crypto.

***Note for those familiar with Crypto – you may want to skip the Blockchain Basics segment. We’ve put timestamps in the show notes if you do wish to skip ahead.***


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Show Segments:

00:01     The ‘Mad as Hell’ Guy Opens the Show

00:49     Intro

02:50     News: CryptoRuble

07:13     News: Revolut

11:23     News: Coinbase Users Can Direct Transfer

13:20     News: PIVX Implements ZeroCoin

15:30     News: Julian Assange thanks the US Government

16:52     News: Kim Dotcom Congratulates Bitcoin Hodlers

19:29     Tool: OnChainFX

22:51     Token/ICO: Decentraland

28:31     Joe’s Wallet Woes

32:34     Jordan Cronje: Zimbabwe Coin

38:02     Blockain Basics: Ethereum and Smart Contracts

40:01     BB: Blockchain Recap

41:26     BB: Ethereum’s Basic Elements

41:54     BB: States

43:12     BB: Accounts

44:39     BB: Gas and Fees

48:00     BB: How Transactions Work

48:33     BB: Smart Contracts

50:06     BB: Example of Smart Contract in the Real World

57:18     BB: Drag and Drop Contracts – BlockCAT

58:09     BB: Smart Contract Disclaimers

58:55     BB: Ethereum and ICOs

62:05     BB: Issues with Ethereum

66:49     BB: Ethereum vs EOS

71:07     Joe Tax Return Crypto Investment

75:17     Wrap Up

76:55     Outro

77:30     Outtakes and Bloopers