In what may prove to be a serious oversight on our part, we’ve waited until Episode 23 to feature one of the most exciting blockchain platforms currently in the space – Cardano. To make up for it, we do a deep dive into everything Cardano, from currency and principles all the way through to languages, governance and cross-chain compatibility. If you’re even half as excited for the project as we are at the end of the segment…you’ll probably be pretty excited.
As usual, we don’t leave you with just one segment, so this week we highlight some big news out of the Virtual Reality world (including discussing the possibility of a VR Blockchain Centre), Coinbase, Microsoft and Rocketpool. We also look at Password Managers for our regular Privacy and Security segment and discuss the blogging platform Medium as our tool for the episode.
To top it all off, we check in with Dan Dan the ICO Man for his latest effort in fleecing people out of their money, and check in on our roving reporter Jordan Cronje, who is apparently building a ‘coconut blockchain’ in the Pacific Islands…
Visit us at:
- Blockchain for Business Brisbane
- Labrys
- Blockconscious
- Microsoft Surface Go
- Volkswagen Seeks Patent for Inter-Vehicular Blockchain Communications System
- This $1bn Real Estate Company Runs in Virtual Reality
- Amazon VR Kiosks debut in 10 shopping malls around India
- Rocketpool – PoS Beta is out now
- Rocketpool FAQ
- Coinbase is Exploring Cardano, Basic Attention Token, Stellar Lumens, Zcash, and 0x
- Medium
- Tim Ferris’ Podcast
- Masters of Scale
- Reid Hoffman and Rein Cheskey Podcast Episode
- Cardano Website
- Cardano Documentation
- Haskell
- K Framework
- Cardano Roadmap
- Blockgeeks Summary
- Lastpass
- KeepassXC
- Dashlane
Time Stamps:
00:45 Welcome
01:40 Want to be part of the show?
02:46 What We’ve Been Up To
06:18 Disclaimer
06:55 Blockchain Basics
07:36 News: Microsoft Surface Go
10:22 News: Volkswagon Cars
14:22 News: $1bn Real Estate Company Runs in VR
20:41 News: Amazon’s VR Kiosks
28:28 News: Coinbase Exploring New Listings
30:03 Join us on Telegram
30:21 Tool of the Week: Medium
32:07 Dan Dan the ICO Man: Dan’s Advisory Services
37:43 Podcast Recommendation – Creating Experiences
41:05 Crypto Spotlight: Cardano
77:38 Privacy & Security – Password Managers
82:33 Jordan Cronje: Coconuts on Blockchain
87:30 Wrap Up
88:28 Outtakes
NOTE: Nothing, either in these show notes or in any FOMO Show podcast, written or verbal, express or implied, should be construed as financial, legal, tax or any other type of advice. Always perform your due diligence, research projects thoroughly and make sure you hold your private keys securely. Before investing in any project, always seek independent financial and legal advice. And remember – No FOMO.