This week we look at the most exciting future tech news from the last month.
How can you get off Google, shut down your Onedrive and take control of your data? Listen in...
We peer into China’s new digital currency measures, and how they stack up against the rest of the world.
What’s going on with China’s Silk Road / Belt & Road Project? We discuss the geopolitics, affected countries, potential stumbling blocks and impact of China’s Belt & Road initiative on the global economy.
Listen on YouTube This episode, we continue with our series on geopolitics and dive head-first into the region of Africa.
Taking inspiration from a piece of news about Horizon State’s voting system, we talk about how we see humanity governing itself in the future.
This episode we're talking all about using blockchain in real life, practical situations.
We share our thoughts on 2018 trends and also make our predictions for the coming year.
While the crypto markets have been about as exciting as a government press release, there’s been a lot happening elsewhere in the blockchain and tech space that hasn’t seen as much coverage.
We record a special holiday episode centred around privacy coins, which we think will be a big deal in 2018.